
Showing posts from November, 2017

AB Sequence Project

AB Sequence Video This project assignment was to film one person in our group moving from point A to point B, meeting obstacles on the way. My role for this project was to act in it, but we all collaborated and combined our ideas. We learned how to sequence our shots in a way that made sense to the viewer. To start our project, our team collaborated with our ideas on what we wanted our video to be about. We decided on our final idea, and drew out the shots. Once we transferred the videos to the computer, it was time to begin the editing process. Editing this video together was an easy project. The shots we used all flowed very nicely together. I trimmed them just a bit so they would look even better, which also brought the time down more. Then, I chose a song that I thought fit pretty well. In the video I move from point A to B, point A being the attendance window, and point B being the classroom. Along the way I encounter the obstacles of getting a pass, walking through the h...

How to Print a Document

How to Print a Document              The past week, in my e-Communications class, we filmed and edited a video instructing how to print a document. Before we could begin filming, we had to plan everything out. We started with creating a list of 6 steps to printing a document. Then we planned out what our film stills with our steps. After we took the stills, we began filming. We had to refilm a few shots, then got to editing. A few key decisions we made were to be on task and work together. We all contributed, Asya, Caden, and I filming and Andrew acting.               As I was helping to film and set up the shots, I quickly realized that it's harder to get the shots right, and have them flow together as you think it would be. I learned how to edit in Adobe Premire Pro, and upload it to youtube. I also learned that it's very important to be communicating with your group so that you get a say in the ...